Erin E. Flynn

Please welcome Erin Flynn today, who works in web development.
Can you share a little bit about what led you to designing websites?
I started making websites in 1999 when my dad took me to a weekend FrontPage workshop. At 13, I fell in love with creating websites and making a home on the web. In college, I majored in communication, which was fun, and useful, but not as applicable to the real world as I had hoped.
Were you able to get started in that field following college?
After slinging coffee for two years (in the German Alps, so it wasn’t too bad!) I returned home in 2009 when the economy was terrible and jobs were hard to find. I eventually landed a horrible job as a glorified secretary. This was the kind of job where you go home every day, drink a bottle of wine, and cry. I ended up quitting that job without a plan in place.
So how did you transition to web design as a career?
Fortunately, a friend I’d made their who also quit around the time I did (let’s just say a lot of us were fed up and jumped ship at the same time; we were all miserable), called me up and asked if I’d be able to make a website for her new boss. I did, and my design business was born! For four years I made websites for entrepreneurs.
This business gave my husband and me the freedom to move 1,100 miles away to Colorado before he had secured a job, and then later move from Denver into the mountains (near Aspen), with little stress. We now live in one of the most beautiful places in the world, and are steps from hiking, fishing, and camping. It couldn’t get any better!
While I love making websites, I have found that my true talents lie in communication and teaching. Earlier this year I transitioned by business to focus on helping other web designers. I couldn’t be happier.
We know you’ve been working to get some exposure as you make that transition – can you share about where else you have been featured?
I have some fun upcoming interviews on Outlier and Creative Calling that will be online soon!
You said you are transitioning to helping other web designers. Can you share what your present business does?
I help web designers and developers communicate with clients and streamline their businesses! I write books, email templates, and create courses specifically geared toward web designers and the struggles they face. Something I wish had been around when I was getting started!
I also still build the odd website from time to time. But at this point I get to be really picky about what projects I take on, and only work on ones that I’m really excited about. I’m launching a full-service agency soon where my team and I will do everything from branding, to copy writing, web strategy, and web design and development. We’re hoping to officially launch this summer at!
What caused you to pursue teaching others about web design?
I kept getting the same complaint from my new clients–that their past designer was disorganized and didn’t explain things well. That’s a HUGE problem! While I’m grateful for the clients coming my way, I want other designers to be able to talk to their clients and organize their businesses so that they can provide great service and make more money.
Can you share any challenges or setbacks you have experienced in this business?
My first year in business was miserable. I knew how to make websites, but I didn’t know how to run a business. When the end of the year came, I cried to see how little I had made. I had worked like CRAZY, but barely made an income. That first year was rough, but it taught me something important: you have to have a plan. If you don’t have a plan for your business, you’ll get nowhere, and it will be really hard to make a livable income.
Can you share any successes as you have come out of that lesson?
Last year was my best year in business, where I worked a short six months and pulled in $40k. I know that’s not a huge number, but considering my first year I hustled like crazy and walked away with about $12k, that $40k which involved very little hustle showed me that I can do what I love, while making time for my life, and still making decent income.
I might not be rich, but having that business plan in place and a focused niche meant I didn’t have to hustle like in previous years, and that hustling like crazy takes you nowhere unless you know where you’re going.
What can you share with our audience today that you think might be helpful as they pursue their own business opportunities?
You need to build your business around your life. I wish that was taught more.
So many of us create businesses that might be successful, but that impact our lives negatively. Making six-figures or having millions of followers means nothing if you never have time to enjoy your life. As an entrepreneur, you will have long hours and a lot of hustling, especially when you’re new. But if you get a plan in place, and build your business around your life (instead of your life around your business) you can have a successful business and a great life. Make a business plan to fit your life. You have the freedom to do that.
What would you consider to be the most important entrepreneurial/business piece of advice you could share?
Get a business plan in place and niche down! Without a plan you’ll be wandering aimlessly, and if you try to attract everyone, you’ll attract no one. I know that’s not new advice, but its advice so many of us ignore, and shouldn’t.
Is there a key takeaway – or next action steps – that our audience can engage in?
Yes! Sit down and plan your life, then structure your business to fit the life you want. I have a free workshop on how to do this, and it’s been crucial to recreating my business in a way that works for me, and that I love. If you don’t have a good plan in place, take the time today to make one. You won’t regret it.
How can our audience become a part of what you do?
If you’re serious about getting your business back on track–or starting a business that works for you, check out Creative Compass! Creative Compass will walk you through every step you need to take to create or recreate a business that works for your life, and that makes you money–with less hustle!
How can we get in touch with you or get more information?
Visit me online a or tweet me @erin3flynn!