Interview with Karim Bishay, Industry Leading Consultant in Holacracy and Adaptive Organizations

Interview with Karim Bishay, Industry Leading Consultant in Holacracy and Adaptive Organizations

In this episode, host Derek Champagne interviews Karim Bishay. Karim Bishay helps companies became insanely efficient. His purpose at Living Orgs is to empower organizations towards a clear, agile structure and stronger purpose. He is an industry leading consultant in the areas of Holacracy and building Adaptive Organizations. Karim blends a variety of approaches such as Holacracy, GTD, OKR’s, and Emotional Intelligence to help companies […]

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Interview with Teresa McCloy, Business Productivity Coach

Interview with Teresa McCloy, Business Productivity Coach

In our latest episode, we talk with Teresa McCloy. Special gift for our listeners: Business Productivity Coach Teresa McCloy partners with her clients to stop being productive and do what matters. A recovering workaholic who was addicted to all the latest apps, software, and best selling books on productivity, is now passionate about helping business leaders and entrepreneurs to assess their habits and execute […]

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Interview with Aaron Walker, Author of View From the Top

Interview with Aaron Walker, Author of View From the Top

This week Derek Champagne interviews mentor and friend Aaron Walker. Derek is proud to endorse Aaron’s new book, View From The Top, that hits stores nationwide in late June. Dave Ramsey, and many other notable authors, have endorsed this amazing book that shares an inspiring and compelling personal story outlining how to truly live a life of significance. Listeners can preorder to receive 2 amazing […]

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Interview with Alma Abreu, Founder of 360 Agile Pro

Interview with Alma Abreu, Founder of 360 Agile Pro

In this episode we interview Alma Abreu. Alma Abreu specializes in helping businesses become more agile. She is the founder of 360 Agile Pro. Agile Project Management training and coaching can be very expensive, and is typically used by large companies with big budgets allowing them to hire consultants in the technology space. 360 Agile Pro wants to make this service easily available and affordable to […]

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Interview with Eric Presley, CTO of

Interview with Eric Presley, CTO of

In this episode Derek Champagne interviews Eric Presley. Eric, the CTO of, is one of ComputerWorld’s Premiere 100 IT Leaders, is a world class leader who understands & leads innovation and practices authentic servant leadership. He talks with Derek about leading a team, why successful companies don’t need everyone to be a hero all the time, and what he enjoys most in business and […]

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