Eder Holguin from New York, New York

Please welcome Eder Holguin today! He is a Serial Digital Entrepreneur and Best Selling author.
Can you tell us a little bit about what you do?
I am a Serial Digital Entrepreneur, Best Selling Author (Dreaming of Hope Street and Street Smarts The Business of Life) and am currently CEO of Live Vote, a digital polling and sentiment platform that allows publishers to make their content interactive while allowing readers to express their opinion on topics they are passionate about. I was also the Founder and CEO of Ideal Media, a content discovery platform which was acquired by Finam Holdings in early 2015. I also founded OnDemand Research, which was later acquired by Zeta Interactive, where I served as Vice President of Sales and Interactive Marketing. I also co-founded Iron Traffic, an online lead generation and advertising network that started with three employees in March of 2003 and was featured in the 2009 Inc 500 listing of fastest growing private companies in the US.
What got you into your current role as CEO of Live Vote?
I started in digital media doing sales in 1999. I sold digital media for several years and was involved in a couple of mergers and acquisitions during this period, which taught me a lot about digital media before I launched my first company with a couple of friends.
Can you share any challenges that you have experienced in your business – what is a key lesson you’ve learned?
Every business has set backs, from not generating enough sales to making quick changes to the product, hiring the wrong people — the list goes on and on. One of the biggest lessons I have learned as an entrepreneur is to validate your ideas; listening to feedback as you bring product to market. Many times you have an idea for a product or a business and realized that many of your original assumptions were wrong, if you don’t make changes and adapt to feedback you can easily spend all your time, money and energy and not get very far.
Key lesson here: Listen to the market and be open to feedback. Make changes quickly and do not be too rigid on your approach. Most companies pivot from their original ideas or assumptions and you need to do the same if you want to be successful.
Can you a success story?
I have sold 2 of my companies. (Ideal media and OnDemand Research)
I saw a need for a specific product. I was quick to learn and get in the market and ride a trend. There are many opportunities that become available as technology changes become disruptive, so take a chance and set a goal to build a product that solves a simple problem.
What does success look like for you? How do you measure success?
Success to me is about living a happy balanced life. Having the freedom to enjoy the things I love and spend time with my loved ones.
What do you want our audience to learn from you?
To follow their dreams, to take a chance and do things they have never done before. Most people never take a chance on something they really would love to do because they are paralyzed by fear.
What is your best piece of entrepreneurial advice?
Start now. Do not wait for things to be perfect. Start with an idea and follow your passion. You can start your business part time, you do not need to have an office and employees or have a lot of money. Take simple, small actions that will move you towards your goal but do not wait for all conditions to be perfect, that will never happen.
What would an action step for someone interested in entrepreneurship be?
Learn about what you are interested in doing, read and educate yourself, surround yourself with people that can help you achieve your goals. Take action and work on yourself.
What is your proudest personal accomplishment?
Being able to go from living in fear and in an abusive environment to becoming someone that inspires and helps others do the same.
As a child, I left a frightening home life and lived homeless in the streets of Medellin, Colombia during the time of the Medellin cartel, when violence and drug lords ruled. My story details how I went from living on the streets to becoming a successful Entrepreneur and is the basis of my book Dreaming of Hope Street, which I am planning on making into a film.
I would also have to say my beautiful daughters and my wonderful wife. They make my life better and provide me with life lessons and motivation I could never find anywhere else.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment?
Becoming a mentor, adviser and an expert in my field.
What have you yet to accomplish on your wish list?
Building a global company. LiveVote will most likely be that company (knock on wood)
How do you achieve balance in personal/professional life?
You need to disconnect. Put the phone down. Stop answering e-mail when you are with your family. Make time to do things that are not work related and enjoy the moments you have with your loved ones.
What are your hobbies?
Motorcycles, Chess and running with my dogs.
What are you most passionate about?
Helping children that are abused. As a victim of abuse, I am really passionate about helping those who can’t help themselves.
How do you maintain focus?
I focus on my goals and the reasons why I do what I do. That provides me enough fuel to keep moving forward and stay focused.
How do you build and motivate a team?
I like to work with people who share my passion. I am lucky enough to have a very large network and always hire people who are hungry, motivated and want to succeed.
How can we get involved with your work?
To learn more about me visit my personal website: www.ederholguin.com to learn more about Live Vote visit: www.livevote.com
How to contact you or where to get more information?
My personal website: www.ederholguin.com
Eder Holguin | CEO | Live Vote | Phone: 646-343-9053 | One Penn Plaza I 53rd Floor, Suite 5320 I New York, NY 10119 | eholguin@livevote.com To learn more about Live Vote click here