Interview with Tom Schwab, of The Interview Valet

Interview with Tom Schwab, of The Interview Valet

Derek Champagne, CEO of The Artist Evolution, interviews Tom Schwab in this week’s BLS podcast. Tom Schwab knows how to build an online business. Marketing at its heart is starting a conversation with someone who could be an ideal customer. Tom helps small business owners, entrepreneurs and solo- prenuers get featured on leading podcasts their prospects are already listening. Then he shows them how to […]

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BLS Interview with Henry Ho, Co-founder and Partner at Field Agent, Part 1

BLS Interview with Henry Ho, Co-founder and Partner at Field Agent, Part 1

Derek Champagne (CEO of The Artist Evolution) and Jay MaGee (Brand Outreach Coordinator at The Artist Evolution) interview Henry Ho, Co-founder and Partner at Field Agent. Henry discusses the process of starting his revolutionary app, staying ahead of competition, and how to effectively lead a team. Field Agent is a revolutionary iPhone App that that allows businesses and individuals to gather the information they need […]

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Interview with Henry Ho, Co-Founder and Partner at Field Agent

Interview with Henry Ho, Co-Founder and Partner at Field Agent

Derek Champagne (CEO of The Artist Evolution) and Jay MaGee (Brand Outreach Coordinator at The Artist Evolution) interview Henry Ho, Co-founder and Partner at Field Agent. Henry discusses the process of starting his revolutionary app, staying ahead of competition, and how to effectively lead a team. Field Agent is a revolutionary iPhone App that that allows businesses and individuals to gather the information they need […]

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Interview with Morgan Wright, Cybersecurity Expert

Interview with Morgan Wright, Cybersecurity Expert

In this episode Derek Champagne, CEO of The Artist Evolution, interviews Morgan Wright. Morgan is an internationally recognized expert on Cybersecurity Strategy, Cyberterrorism, Identity Theft and Privacy. His landmark testimony before Congress on changed how the government collected personally identifiable information. He has made hundreds of appearances on national news, radio, print and web, and has spoken to audiences around the world. Previously Morgan […]

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Interview with Sean Keith, Co-Founder and Partner of Keith, Miller, Butler, Schneider & Pawlik LLC, (Part 1 of 2)

Interview with Sean Keith, Co-Founder and Partner of Keith, Miller, Butler, Schneider & Pawlik LLC, (Part 1 of 2)

In this episode, Derek Champagne, Founder and CEO of The Artist Evolution, interviews Sean Keith. Sean Keith is the Co-Founder and Partner of Keith, Miller, Butler, Schneider, & Pawlik PLLC. Based in Northwest Arkansas, K.M.B.S.P. is a comprehensive law firm that has a national footprint. Sean talks with Derek about building a successful company, how to manage and motivate a team, dealing with setbacks, and staying […]

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BLS Interview with Michael Levin, Part 3

BLS Interview with Michael Levin, Part 3

Read Part 1 about Michael’s process in helping writers and Part 2 about Michael’s Shark Tank experience. Derek: Michael, we talked about staying motivated, staying hungry. How do you stay passionate about what you do? How do you avoid that fat cat syndrome and getting lazy? Michael: Oh my gosh, every time I might plan a book with a client, it brings up a lot of […]

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Kay Walten – Loco Gringo Inc.

Kay Walten – Loco Gringo Inc.

Our guest today is Kay Walten, who runs Loco Gringo Inc, a company that creates local experiences for travelers in Mexico. Can you share a little bit about how you ended up in Mexico? I am from Western New York, I graduated from Clarion University of Pennsylvania and I have continued my education over the years at Cornell.  I moved to Mexico in 1992 to […]

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BLS Interview with Michael Levin, Part 2

BLS Interview with Michael Levin, Part 2

Derek interviews Michael Levin, an accomplished writer who was on ABC’s Shark Tank. Read Part 1 about his process in helping writers. Derek: You’re probably sick of hearing this question but I’m going to ask it anyway. Tell me about being on Shark Tank. It’s probably a very over-asked question but I went back and watched that because I’ve seen every episode of Shark Tank, every season because […]

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Eder Holguin from New York, New York

Eder Holguin from New York, New York

Please welcome Eder Holguin today! He is a Serial Digital Entrepreneur and Best Selling author. Can you tell us a little bit about what you do? I am a Serial Digital Entrepreneur, Best Selling Author (Dreaming of Hope Street and Street Smarts The Business of Life) and am currently CEO of Live Vote, a digital polling and sentiment platform that allows publishers to make their content interactive while allowing […]

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BLS Interview with Devin Thorpe, Part 2

BLS Interview with Devin Thorpe, Part 2

Derek continues his interview with Devin Thorpe about his travels and his advice for entrepreneurs. Read Part 1 here, about Devin’s work and motivation. Listen to the podcast here. Derek: So Devin you have lived on three continents; you visit over 30 countries on six continents. You are on the road a lot aren’t you? Devin: Yes. I have the great pleasure and opportunity and privilege to travel around […]

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